Grace Lutheran Church designates one Sunday a month throughout the year as an opportunity for recognizing and supporting particular ministries. We take a special offering to help fund the work of these programs. Recent programs include:

Lutheran Hour Ministries which is widely considered the largest and more diverse international mission ministry within the LCMS. The Lutheran Hour is the world’s largest Christian outreach radio program. It airs weekly on more than 1,600 stations throughout North America and is also available online and through a mobile app.

Grace also participates in The LCMS Disaster Response program called the “Flood Relief” project. These pre-assembled flood relief buckets are given to flood and hurricane survivors as part of a disaster preparedness plan. To read more about the program and find ways in which you can help out, click here: Flood Bucket Relief

Grace also supports the Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc. (LBW). The mission of LBW is to provide the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ to the blind and visually impaired. LBW is one of the largest providers of Christian Braille and specialized Large Print Bibles in the world. All publications by LBW are offered free of charge and are made possible through the efforts of over 5,000 faithful volunteers.

Missionary Director of The Wittenberg Project in Germany

Kristin Lange
Kristin serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a career missionary currently residing in Germany. She is the managing director for the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg, gGmbH (ILSW). In this role, she provides strategic, organizational and operational oversight of The Wittenberg Project and the International Lutheran Center. The LCMS is renovating the historic building that was once the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, and are preparing to turn it into a Lutheran education and outreach center. This building is in the town where Martin Luther taught and nailed the 95 theses to the Castle Church door - which marked the start of the Reformation in 1517.

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