Welcome to our Community page where we focus on providing members and friends of Grace an opportunity to connect outside of the sanctuary for fun, social events that cater to both young, single members, and those with established families.

Our events calendar and Facebook page are great ways to stay reminded about upcoming events, especially for those that want to meet new people after just moving into the area. Check out some of our recurring events and plan to join us one day!

Second Sunday Brunch

We’ve come to learn that many of our activities revolve around FOOD at Grace. We’ve embraced that knowledge and frequently plan for potlucks after service, brunch outings, and attend festivals where we can enjoy each other's company over some homemade food or by supporting our local restaurants. Every second Sunday after service, several members and non-members of Grace casually get together to try out some of our local new eateries around town.

Piety by the Pint

On a monthly basis, this small yet fun group is led by our Pastor as we gather for brewed beverages and fine fellowship at some of Atlanta’s local establishments and discuss scripture as it relates to today’s topics and current events.

Visit our events calendar to learn more about any of our community events or current worship schedules and sign up for instant notifications via our social sites.

Women of Grace

Grace Lutheran is excited to announce its new women's group started this year. Whether you're a member of Grace or just interested in women's fellowship, you're invited and encouraged to join the fun! For more information, please send us an email.

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